To help you get started, coding examples for authentication and basic usage are available in the `samples` folder.
Sample oAuth flow.
Create a new group
Retrieve all groups
Create a new ticket.
Create a new ticket with attachment.
Create a new ticket with the requester's email address, if the requester's identity doesn't exist.
Retrieve all tickets.
Retrieve ticket details
Retrieve tickets from the end-user email address
Get all comments from a related ticket
Update a ticket
Delete a ticket
Help Center
Create an article
Create a section
Find an article
Find a category
Find a section
Ticket Fields
Create a new dropdown option for an existing dropdown custom ticket field
Update an existing dropdown option for a dropdown custom ticket field
Replace all existing dropdown options for a dropdown custom ticket field
Create a new organization
Create a new end-user
Retrieve all end-users
Search end-user
Upload a file attachment
Upload a stream attachment